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[Vehicle] More interactions


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Los Santos, Mission Row
Simple as this lads and ladies, i feel it should be easy to interact with damaging vehicles

A. Smash windows on vehicles with a blunt weapon eg bat, baton, crowbar.
B. Pop types on vehicles with a sharp blade eg knifes, daggers, switchblades.
C. Pull people out of vehicles who dont have seatbelts on and/or vehicle isnt locked.
D. Cyphon Gasoline from vehicles. Requires extra items eg Gas Can, Hose(new) and makes charcter take damage it done repeatable from Gasoline sickness.

This should be usable through archie's eye

Don't need to sit at the vehicle hitting it for 10 minutes to try and pop 1 tyre
Allows more RP through ppl who piss off others such so u could slash there tyres and such.
Allows police to more easily smash a window on the vehicle instead of hitting the door.
Allows criminals to be more realistlic forcefully removed from vehicles instead of them just being tased.
Means mechanics might have to do more call outs to vehicles.
More roleplay for if you see someone slashing your tyres instead of them just kicking ur car 40 times for nothing to happen.
Less of this https://youtu.be/AqE9VKEtyJw

Trolls slashing everyones tyres. (weapon prices increased already anyway so it helps avoid this)

Cant think of anything else but comments exist for a reason.

+1 - I think this would be an awesome idea. Especially, as police we could run up to a vehicle and start smashing the windows like they do irl

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