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Report a player - Chris Lee/ TikTak - GTA RP

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Maverick Delta

Los Santos NHS
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Maverick Delta

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Chris Lee/ TikTak

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/27/20

Time of the incident (GMT): 125

What best describes this incident ?: C1.14) Threats to report

Please (in detail) describe the incident: After being arrested by Chris Lee and processed he went to take me the the prison, he places me in the car and in response I get out the car. (I didn't see this as a rule break as if he locked the vehicle I wouldn't have been able to, also after the situation I spoke to a few members of the community who said it wasn't a rule break however that's up the the staff members decision). After this (where the video start) he begins being very aggressive and gets progressively worse. While not upholding himself with the conduct expected from a member of a whitelisted faction he tells me "mate I'm about to put a bullet in your head" and then soon after says "I might as well try to get you deported not gunna lie" (Started at 3:37). He then went in anger to put me in the prison for 8 hours with 0 roleplay while he put me in, which alone would have been Poor/Low Quality RP however my recording software didn't pick that up. Overall this isn't the behaviour I expect from a police officer nor a long lasting member of this community. Because maybe I did break a rule but if he felt that way I would have been more than happy to accept responsibility however the way he treated the situation was in short discussing.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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The only reason I am responding here is that I was involved myself in this situation. (i am speaking solely on my behalf and not for TikTak) Also, I don't understand how you couldn't have attempted to contact myself or TikTak regarding this incident.

Maverick I find it odd how you have from the moment myself and TikTak had enough of your overall childish behaviour and decided to answer some of your questions regarding your overall childish and very blasé attitude towards us but not all the stuff that you did while in the station.

I'm unsure if TikTak has any video evidence himself on the custody part of this entire situation. but as I said myself to you (within RP), You continued to walk in and out of a cell in the station (Trolling us) knowing that it took time for us to walk out and then lock the cell door. we gave you enough attention in the station and multiple times to act as an adult, not a spoilt little brath not getting their way but you insisted to annoy us. 

So to be honest the only part of the entire situation you are basing your report off is the transportation part. (i would understand this if we arrested you and brought you to prison straight away) You forgot about the amount of RP that we provided at the station while you provided to us zero back. 

Again im unsure how TikTak will respond but this is what I took away from the situation I do think that things got a little bit hearted at the end but Maverick you ain't laying down all of the facts you are simply picking what you want to show and not what is actually took place.

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So to be honest the only part of the entire situation you are basing your report off is the transportation part
Hence why the video and description explain what happened during transport...

Maverick you ain't laying down all of the facts you are simply picking what you want to show and not what is actually took place.
I understand where you come from with this however the report is solely about the threat to report and not about the other events. If you feel like I did wrong then u can freely come talk to me. whether what I did was wrong or not that doesn't mean I should get the abuse that TikTak threw at me.

I don't understand how you couldn't have attempted to contact myself or TikTak regarding this incident.
I chose to not contact TikTak for a number of reasons, even in roleplay his attitude was disgusting he wouldn't even let me speak so what would change in a liaison all that would happen is that he screams even more then leaves. Secondly in the last month alone TikTak has put up around 8 reports and only 2 of which he bothered talking to the person involved, normally I'm a strong believer that if you have a calm conversation with someone in liaison much better results for the people involved and the community occur however I saw no point as clearly TikTak doesn't feel the same way.

Right so @SI Corrie Healysums it up pretty well, i will say your borderline trolling and to my knowledge you are exploiting as well. As for the comment its not a threat in my eyes. I am not saying its a great thing to say but it was never meant to be interpreted as or intended as a threat. I will be honest and say its a comment made in frustration and annoyance after 20 minutes with borderline trolling. 

Since you didn't have the recording of this i will be so nice and provide it for you. I have cut out longer periods of conversation were nothing happens.

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So since you decide to bring this up i will publicly answer it for you and everyone else that seems to think i report just to report. 

So i play a lot here i usually on 6-12 hours a day. This is more then the average player. This gives me duble the amount of great and fun RP but also duble the shit and dumb situations. I have reported quite a few people but that is what you see. I dont just go report for the sake of reporting, MOST of the reports i have made have meet one of the following criteria: Been spoken to minimum twice, constantly involved in rule violations, Trolling or other forms of griefing. 

Lets sum it up then 
Jay Bishop, Reported twice - Spoken to several times, no improvement and constant rulebreaks.
Ishro, Reported twice - constant rulebreaks.
Mohammed Rocket-Ali, Reported Twice - Spoken to and no improvement.
Franklin Dickson, Reported Twice - Spoken to failed to resolve and no improvement.
Ses Head, Reported once - Toxic behaviour and Griefing.
James Johnson, Reported once - No real good reason made in a state of frustration. 
In addition there is some trolls that has been reported. 

I spoke to @Stealtheeabout this about two hours ago and as i said to him i do try speaking to people before reporting. 

If you really dont belive me msg me on TS and i will show you discord conversations of this.

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Can we please keep this on topic for the actual rule break maverick believes you too have broken. Your past reports are not relevant too this situation and decisions will be made based on the video provided and the accused "Threats to report" 

Please stay on topic.

Why I am I starting to feel like this community now has a report culture going on ?

Why I am I starting to feel like this community now has a report culture going on ?
Like I have said I'm not a person to report, vary rarely have I ever come close. However when someone acts in this manner I didn't believe that its ok. If someone newer was on the end of his words they probably wouldn't want to put up with it. So with the way he was acting I didn't see how a liaison would help as he was clearly unwilling to listen to my opinions. This is why I chose to place the report against him.

Like I have said I'm not a person to report, vary rarely have I ever come close. However when someone acts in this manner I didn't believe that its ok. If someone newer was on the end of his words they probably wouldn't want to put up with it. So with the way he was acting I didn't see how a liaison would help as he was clearly unwilling to listen to my opinions. This is why I chose to place the report against him.
Not to worry I am not pointing the finger at you, Yeah you did do things in that video that could be considered trolling however all the police need to do is put on cuffs if your not complying and deal with it like Police do, This happens on the streets of the UK daily.

We have all been here for some time now and its terrible that you cannot speak to Tiktak he was once so approachable, but he is not helping himself leading him to make more reports because people do not want to interact with him.

I am going to reject this report with a warning towards @TikTakto lighten up, The current sort of attitude would not be welcome in one of the whitelisted communities you have been threating to leave for, Draw a line under it and start again.

The people that should be getting banned is the clear trolls, Lets speak to each other outside the game in future once the situation has ran its course.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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