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House Driveway Change

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Maverick Delta

Los Santos NHS
Brief Summary:

Removing the gate (Normally cant be knocked over) and removed the rubbish from the drive and surrounding area.

Detailed Suggestion:

Its just removing the gate (Normally cant be knocked over) and removed the rubbish from the drive and surrounding area. As this would mean I can use my drive and would neaten up the area meaning I can have better social roleplay around my house. Also with the unbreakable fences and high back wall it is easy for people to drive round the back and dump peoples vehicles in a way which they have no hope trying to get it out.

House Number: 56

Change from this (Current):

To this (Proposal):

The Pros:

- Adds a place for me to put cars without blocking the street.

- Looks much nicer.

- Prevents cars being needlessly trapped.

- Gives the property a useable driveway.

The Cons:

- Will only effect me and friends.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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I've been meaning to ask about getting my immovable gate removed as well. It would be great if a staff member had a character that could RP a couple of those changes, if people want to. Everytime people come by my house and I explain we need to jump the fence I rant about my landlord. It's fun, but in all honesty, when I'm loading/unloading 3-4 trucks in a play session it gets really dumb, it's actually the most immersive breaking thing I experience day-to-day.

Hopefully this gets approved for you, and inspires me to do the same =D

Hopefully this gets approved for you, and inspires me to do the same =D
Obviously I'm no dev and cant guarantee this its only an idea, however if the devs are ok with it why don't u either reply on this thread or maybe if one of the devs created a thread purely for changes similar to these as I know many people have them however don't want to be a nuisance and make the devs do work just for them. However if we was able to get a list going if anyone has a little extra time they could chip away at the list.

IDK its just an idea

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