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Gang Parking for Boats

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS Training
Los Santos Firefighter
Forum Drive
I feel as though there should be a gang garage for boats as there are for cars as it would make life easier instead of relying on people to be online

I dont see any cons not sure if it is hard to make I wouldnt assume so but would be a nice addition that people would very much appreciate 

More boats in the waters gives MPO a chance to sniff around since old fishing has been nerfed you hardly see any boat police and people have easier access to gang owned assets or having the ability to use fellow members boats without them needing to be online 

It would be a nice option to have 

Please leave constructive feedback 👍

How would this work? Would every gang have a shared one (only able to withdraw from their own gang) And where would it be situated at? 

How would this work? Would every gang have a shared one (only able to withdraw from their own gang) And where would it be situated at? 
Probably have the boats in the same garage as the gang garage alongside cars however the spawn point for the boats would be at the docks having an element of risk that your boat could also be stolen

Alternatively could just slap one of these somewhere and limit it to the F6 gang you're in 


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