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Report a player - 463 - Victor - GTA RP


Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Caitlin Walker
Reported Players: 463 - Victor
Date: May 15, 2024
Time: 21:15
What best describes this incident: NVL and Common Sense
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I believe this happened around 9.15pm, i believe staff can check back on when the kill on Victor happened?

As staff knows, we (Marabunta) have been warring with the Chippionies. We get comms to say were now following a chippionie in a car, as you can see in the clip we know this is victor.
So as the clip shows you, i pull up next to the boys, i get out of my car and point my gun right at Victor so in the clip showing, there is 6 of us pointing guns to victors head. He gets out when asked, but then pulls a bottle out of his hand then proceeds to stab Dom, whilst still having the 6 guns pointed at him. This is clear NVL.

Moving forward, we take Victor to his turf and we put him in the office, he sees me walk in and calls me a bunch of names. It’s very clear he is not roleplaying his injuries when he’s already been shot a few times prior to this. I shoot him another 3 times (in the head) and he still is able to talk.

See first clip where he nvls - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2djQycziODq8U2/d1337CuUza30?invite=cr-MSw3a2ssMjEyMjk4MDM3LA

Second clip is Not roleplaying injuries
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2djUXYWWZl2S_l/d1337k1FWipQ?invite=cr-MSxkaUcsMjEyMjk4MDM3LA
    • For starters I'd like to say we have had you in these situations 2 times where we held you at gun point and you pulled out the shotgun. But you proceeded to say it was an accident and you didnt mean to. If you are able to get the original clip back you are able to see that I have said in ooc it was an accident and didnt mean to, When it happened i did not mean to and even if i did what was i going to accomplish? A stab to a mara and then die afterwards? Personally I think you guys are just making up random petty reasons to get us banned because you guys arent doing as you thought a whitelisted gang like you should be doing against a gang that is new to the city . Sure there have been a few odd scenarios but we ended up bringing it to qe and explaining what happened in both parties. Secondly we have had so many scenarios where your gang was shot and yet were still talking as if they havent been shot. If you have a problem with me calling you names that would be a problem you should sort out yourself with not being able to handle a few hurtful comments. We have also discussed the nvl scenario with you in qe and for some reason when I accidentaly stabbed a mara "I meant it" according to you, But when you pulled out ur shotgun in 2 different scenarios you didnt mean it with your only reasoning to why you didnt mean it is because your tone of voice changing? But when I accidentally nvl'd I meant it even tho I mentioned in ooc I didn't.
Mate as mentioned yesterday i meant to ‘drop/pass’ the shotgun, not ‘use’ shotgun. Secondly, yes as mentioned in QE yesterday, if any of you have a clipping of the sit then you can clearly see in the tone of my voice that i generally didnt mean to pull it out you can hear by the sound of my voice how worried i was as i deep down meant to drop not use. Thirdly mate, did i attempt to shoot one of you? No i did not because that’s clear NVL.

Moving on..
Who is this report about mate? You.. therefore we SHOULD be discussing the report i’ve placed about you.

So i’ve a question for you..

Why do you put your hands up, then pull your bottle out and stab Dom? If that was a mistake you would have kept your hands up not grabbed your bottle and continue to stab him.

And as for your other accusations mate, that aint nothing to do with me, if you have problems about the way people RP with you or think someone has broken a rule u throw that up.

I will move onto the name calling..
I couldn’t give 2 fucks about it in RP unless it was out of hand to the point where it effects me OOC, i would simply just ask you to stop in OOC.

I would just like to add this is not me being petty and finding a thing to just “stick up” about you. This is a genuine reason and i do believe u have broken 2 rules.

I will be waiting for a staff reply on this as i just don't like your attitude OOC. Thanks for your reply mate
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not even gonna read all of that, Your getting upset over a game of RP not gonna sit and argue over it, have a nice night
Well as I have explained I didn't mean to stab the mara, and no I did not pull out the bottle when i stepped out of the vehicle I have already prepared the bottle incase I did have to get out and fight off one of yous. But clearly you all ganged up on me and I had no chance to do anything. Personally i think me purposly commiting nvl in that situation is a really dumb thing to do as i would have been shot either way and I would have gained nothing. If I had a weapon like a pistol/shotgun I would have actually cared about losing my stuff but I didn't as I had a bottle and a few little stuff that dont matter towards me. This was an accident you can believe it or not as its not up to me but staff. anytime we have a fight and we win we always get brought into qe but when they win they for some reason have no problem in how the fight ended since they won. Me and the chippieones are personally sick of all these silly reasons to be brought into qe just to end it with an argument.
not even gonna read all of that, Your getting upset over a game of RP not gonna sit and argue over it, have a nice night
You say i'm getting upset over RP, are you listening to yourself? This is an RP server.

I did not pull out the bottle when i stepped out of the vehicle I have already prepared the bottle incase I did have to get out and fight off one of yous. But clearly you all ganged up on me and I had no chance to do anything.
You say that but the evidence is in my clip mate.

Anytime we have a fight and we win we always get brought into qe but when they win they for some reason have no problem in how the fight ended since they won.
We bring you to QE for reasons, and that's because your gang commits many rule breaks or at least that's what some of us believe. Even people who are not in marabunta have brought you guys to QE because of the rulebreaks u guys have done on multiple occasions. Regardless, I'm not going into that as that has nothing to do with me.

Now as I said lets leave this to staff. Thank u for admitting you NVL'd
the bottle was already equipped, test it yourself you cannot hold a bottle in your hand while in a car, when i get out it appears just how the game works, also after that clip of you shooting me in the head i didnt speak i spoke during the shooting while making it clear i was dying i just think you take the comments i make towards your character too personally and want me banned for it
Okay then,

I've read this report and made a decision.

Action: Ban following FBS.
Reason: G2.4 - Value of life
Player: 90857 Viktor Markov
Length: Two days
